c0ount Wavnstein - Comfortably Numb VIC-20

💾 So you got a GoTek Floppy Emulator, eh???

GoTek Floppy Emulator

So you just ordered the hottness fancy GoTek from Dasher Deals on eBay and it’s awesome… you can swing right over to WinWorld and grab any .img file you like - it just w0rks. Slap an .img file on that USB drive and the GoTek read’s it just like a floppy disk… but then you start thinkin; How do I create .img files? You’ve got some /subdir of awesome DOS files and I want to create an .img for the GoTek… no one talked about this. 😕

🤖 Let’s create some .img’s!

Write a floppy disk to an .img (1.44mb);

sudo dd bs=512 count=2880 if=/dev/sdb of=my-image.img

Write an .img to a floppy disk (1.33mb);

sudo dd if=my-image.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512 conv=sync ; sync

Create an .img file (1.44mb);

dd if=/dev/zero of=my-image.img bs=1440k count=1
mkfs.msdos -F 12 my-image.img
mkdir disk
sudo mount -o loop my-image.img disk/
[copy files to disk/]
sudo umount disk/

Format a floppy disk [USB Floppy Drive connected to a modern PC];

mke2fs /dev/sdb

Create multiple .ARJ files for things over 1.44mb;

arj a -r -v1440 filename.arj subdir/
dd if=/dev/zero of=filename_arj.img bs=1440k count=1
dd if=/dev/zero of=filename_a01.img bs=1440k count=1
mkfs.msdos -F 12 filename_arj.img
mkfs.msdos -F 12 filename_a01.img
mkdir disk/
sudo mount -o loop filename_arj.img disk/
cp filename.arj disk/
sudo umount disk/

😎 Rockin’ and rollin…

So there we have it; easy Linux commands to create .img files - and write .img’s from floppy disk. Some of these commands can also be used to read/write larger HDD .img’s - for those, just remove the 1440k, count=1 and -F 12 flags… easy peasy, r0ckstar!
